I meant the food people! Get your minds out of the gutter!
I got a ride out to the NOLS compound from a really sweet couple from Oregon (Hi Earl & Cindy!). I met them at Equipales restaurant in Mulege proper a few days ago and they offered me a ride out to NOLS when they came back in town to do laundry a few days later. The ride out to Playa Coyote is about 25 minutes along a winding coastal road. There are alot of people that spend the North American Winter on the beaches down here in RVs right on the beach. Earl & Cindy are semi-retired and world travelers extraordinaire. They’ve done stints in Africa and Europe and South America in various educator roles. They refused my offer of gas money and wished me well on my adventures before heading off to their little slice of paradise two beaches south, loaded down with fresh drinking water and even fresher laundry.
I arrived in time to get a tour of the eco-friendly grounds from Nate, and get a not too welcome greeting from Uli (oooh-lee) the house dog who looks like a Husky with extra sharp teeth. This dog “has bitten people before” but everyone assures me that she’ll get used to me (wait, is that BEFORE or AFTER she decides to try out dark meat for a change?).
I showed up just in time for dinner which Roger and Marcio (above) fixed for the 6 of us that were around. We had cheese quesadillas and huevos rancheros and pacifico beer (noticing a theme here?). They are the cutest things aren’t they? Roger is from Spain and Marcio is from Brazil. The rest of the staff is equally cute and welcoming and are a well traveled and talented group of outdoor enthusiasts. These guys love what they do, because from what I can tell there is no money in it and it is hard to hold a relationship together when you are out in the field weeks or months at a time. We had a great discussion on diversity within the NOLS organization (I’m on the Board of Advisors and went to Africa with the group in 1997) and in the world in general. It was political and intellectual without any intensity or offensive tones. It just seems damn hard to get riled up in such a beautiful place. I’m interesed in seeing how life is on an eco-friendly compound with composting toilets and an outdoor shower. There are no phones but a phenomenal internet connection.
Now if I can just find some way to keep my eye on that dog with the sharp teeth I might be able to fall in love with this place! Oh wait, and where am I sleeping exactly?