I’m Glad That I’m Me


A funny girl from Canada recommended “Running With Scissors” a few weeks ago. I had heard great things about Augusten Burroughs’ writing, and many critics compare him to David Sedaris. Now, Sedaris is one of my top 10 favorite authors of all time so I was a little skeptical about this, but I have to admit Burroughs tells a story that is like stumbling across a horrific accident: you can’t help but watch while holding your breath and thanking God that its not you. Funny, endearing, frightening and upsetting because it is a memoir…this one ain’t for everybody, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

So, bring it on. What are some of your favorite books or books that you recommend?

PS – Happy 30th Birthday to my favorite sister!

13 thoughts on “I’m Glad That I’m Me”

  1. You’re looking at the original book worm over hea….chea! but if I had to widdle it down to one book that’s sort of unknown and interesting I’d have to recommend: Alice Walker’s “Posessing the Secret of Joy.”

    Sounds very self-help, right? But it’s totally not. It’s actually a sequel to the Color Purple and deals with a hell of a lot of women issues as well as being content in the life you’ve been given.

  2. Favorite books? 100 years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marques, it’s long but an amazing book. So you may never cry again by Bernie Mac is an excellent book, it’s an autobiography, and probably the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton because even now it still touches on a lot of the issues of class that are prevalent in society and their detrimental effects.

  3. OK yeah so I’m a part of the cliff notes…wait for the movie generation and I was totally excited to see an advertisement for the movie “running with scissors ” slated to open in October…I know, I know the movie is always different from the book….so I’ll just read the back cover before I go to the theatre :)..Hey can you get spell check put on this “posting” thing?…I always feel like Im spelling stuff wrong and that the WHOLE WORLD is reading this blog and I will look like an idiot who can’t spell!

  4. carmelia: i finished “100 years” while i was down in Mexico. I would love to achieve enough spanish fluency to read it in spanish. I think I need to read this again it was deep but entertaining.

    shameka: you flatter the 5 of us that read this blog! Not quite the whole world and those that do read (actually about 80 if the stats are correct) are more than willing to overlook the occassional spelling error (i hope!). Don’t let that stop you from commenting!

  5. Dia,
    I read alot (and maybe too fast).

    I can’t pin down my favorite book, I know it should be the Bible. but…..

    I guess I enjoy reading more for pleasure – bits of fluff – stories of women who end up feeling great and doing great things –relationship stories, stuff like that and mystery-type stories.

    I really like James Patterson – I like easy reading books with large print (I’ll be 60 next month) and short chapters.

    Hope you are well and happy! 🙂

  6. Momma D!: Yeah, you are one of my favorite reader people. I got my reader’s digest fix off your subscription for at least 5 years i know! I haven’t read much JP but I did like the along came a spider and the one before that? I can’t believe you’ll be 60! You don’t look a day over 47!

    L. boogie: I LOVED The alchemist. as a matter of fact i need to read that again. I’m really excited because I just found my “favorite” bible that i’ve been looking for for two months. I think I read sula, but i lurved bluest eye even though it made me want to bang my head on a table.

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