Atlanta, GA: 73 Stories*


*73 stories up = the view from the Sun Dial restaurant at the Atlanta Westin.

The weekend in numbers:

Voicemails still unchecked: 23
Text messages received over 4 days: 52
Bar Tab at the Sun Dial for 5: $307
VIP Invites to Black Enterprise Magazine Party: 1
How many people I got into the BE Party: 5

The weekend in quotes:
F: Where are we going again?
LBoogie: The Leopard Lounge…
F: No good can come of this.
S: We ended up at a place called the Twisted Taco
F: This has been the best worst weekend ever
Cabbie #1: That’s not a man (pointing out a male transvestite prostitute)
Funchilde: I wonder how much that costs…
Stella: Well, prostitutes are the best known bargainers and negotiators in the world
Funchilde: Really? How do you know that?
Stella: I watch HBO
Funchilde: Is that a tv/dvd player in the front seat of the cab?
Stella: yes, and he’s showing nigerian evangelical christian music videos
*stella proceeds to sing along
Cabbie #2: I went to the best school in the world…
Cabbie #2: Prairie View, Class of ’79
Stella: Do I look like a flight attendant in this suit?
Funchilde: Every time I look at you I want to check the stock price for American Airlines
Funchilde looks puzzled as Stella puts on GINORMOUS bracelet
Stella: What? This is FASHION!
Funchilde: Wonder Woman called, she wants her bracelet back.


Siddiq: I just need to make…like…$180,000

7 thoughts on “Atlanta, GA: 73 Stories*”

  1. FANTASTIC picture! You’ve got TALENT! And as always, GREAT blog. I going to have to check out Stella’s bracelet (might need a set for myself)!

  2. Siddiq’s top 5 favorite memories from the best worst weekend ever:
    1)Funchilde’s views on WONDER Woman magic Lasso belt’s and other fashion anomalies
    2) Stella: “my shoes are made for gawking not walking”
    3) TJ: “How many drinks have I had? I think I’m drunk. I usually dont drink this much. Lets get another dirty martini?”
    4) Our Cop Hostess; “Three, sending in three. You ready for three?”
    5) Stella’s lessons on when/how to tip strippers. “Shes gotta work it… show some enthusiasm.”

  3. Stacey: Damn, I didn’t take that. That one is from Zen on Flickr… and as for the bracelet…DON’T DO IT…small armies of children were employed to mine the ore needed to make that big ass thing.

    Siddiq: Thanks for bringing up some of the funnier moments…LUVED the COP/HOSTESS and I totally forgot about stripper etiquette!

  4. Great Blog, Dia—I am impressed. I feel like I need to step up my game!! Perhaps one day I will be sending you my link for my travel blog!!

    Keep in touch-

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