How well traveled are you?

alright yall, (all 3 of you who are reading this), i’m going (back) to cali in a few hours. here’s a homework assignment, take the quiz and let us know How well traveled are you? and if you could take 3 months off without any ramifications to your personal or professional life, where would you go and why? finally, if you could travel the world would you?

thanks to Tera S and Eric for the linky dinks.

13 thoughts on “How well traveled are you?”

  1. We have a sign like that close to where we live. I would love to travel the world. I could spend 3 months in Africa easy.

  2. I am BEYOND mad at that sign. Mad!!! I am most traveled in the midwest US, 25% traveled in England and 0% for other countries. I would take three months to travel and I would hit Europe and Africa.

  3. Are you coming to Cali? Can’t wait to meet you. … I would also love to travel the world. If I could go anywhere right now, I’d hit Nepal and Australia.

  4. 71% traveled in the Northeast, can you tell where I’m from? Aaaahhh, no children, no commitments…Europe and Asia easily (for that I might never come back!). Enjoy for me too!

  5. @ Cricket: Where in the world do you live that you have a sign like that near you? Hey, wait is cricket your real name or is that your “inside name” are you wearing a dubious shade of “gov’t orange?

    @ Lu: Hey chica! sign me up, we’ll hit Europe when your kid(s) get grown!

    @ Monick: I’m gonna hit you up on the way back ladybug, you sounded busy with all that valentine’s day dating stuff 🙂

    @ Stacey: I’m an east coast baby baby, so no shame in your game!

    @ Tek: i don’t even know what to say dude!

  6. Hey there Funchilde! I *am* taking three (or more) months off to travel *with* implications to my personal and working life! I may not even have a job when I get back–but this is my example of “going big”!

  7. I would start my 3 month trek in Brazil, Bahia for a week or so and then a week trying to see the rest of the country. From there I’d travel across the pond and amke a stop in Senegal and travel by bus or car to Ghana, skirting Libiria (;]Ysince). From Ghana I would travel via plane to Tanzania and Kenya. I’d leave Kenya and head straight to Indian for a 2 week jaunt through out the country. Then I’d travel over to Thailand and travel all the way down to Autrailia checking out every country I could, looking for all the varities of black folks in Asia.

    Can you smell me?

  8. hi to all from san ignacio baja! Went whale watching today it was incredible! pics later and hi to all, thanks for stopping by and supporting a sistah!

  9. i love to travel. so far i’ve been to a ton of states and 16 countries. in 2000, i took some time off of school and spent three months in india, nepal, thailand and france. yes, it was a delicious experience.

    there are so many places in upcoming travels but here’s a list of the key locals: bahia, new zealand, s. pacific (fiji, solomon islands, tonga, samoa), cambodia, thailand, panama, trans-siberian railroad, eastern europe.

    blessed journeys and enjoy!

  10. if you could take 3 months off without any ramifications to your personal or professional life, where would you go and why? — What I ought to do is pick a continent and see as much of that continent as I could. But what I would probably do is buy a round the world plane ticket and try to squeeze in a few continents. I’d do a hop-on-hop-off bus trip around Europe. Probably a northern Africa and a southern Africa tour. Hit a handful of select Asian cities — maybe somewhere in India, somewhere in Thailand, Singapore and/or Hong Kong. And probably after all that I wouldn’t still have time for South America. That would have to be the next three-month trip.

    if you could travel the world would you? Of course I would!

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