The Love (travel) Boat


600 students
100 days
50 staff
13 ports
10 countries
1 Archbishop
1 large boat

I’m so excited, humbled and busy that I don’t even know how to process the news. I was selected to join the Semester at Sea staff and we set sail January 29, 2007 for 100 days around the world. I’m going to miss my baby brother and future sister-in-law’s wedding, but I’ll just send them a really nice gift. Plus, she just got back from covering a story in South Africa, so I don’t feel so bad.

This year has been magical, both in the memories I’ve created and the misstakes I’ve made, and new ones are literally on the horizon. I wish I could take all of you with me, but I’m sure yall can’t get off work, and you won’t fit in my bag (and I’m notoriously cranky if I have to share a room). I have already had offers from people offering to be my: husband, wife, domestic partner, sherpa and “cabin boy.”  

So, what shall I pack? I’m thinking: 15 pairs of underwear, my camera and some breath mints. That’s as far as I’ve gotten. Take a peek at the itinerary and tell us which places you’d be most excited about.

15 thoughts on “The Love (travel) Boat”

  1. Chennai, India – Take me here with you, pleeeeese. I won’t make a sound, I promise. I won’t bother you for food (maybe a little water), I’ll sleep under your bunk…anything you want…pleeese?

  2. Awesome! Congratulations and such. Please assure us that you’ll have Internet access so that you can keep us posted on your doings. After all, what’s life experience without an (envious) audience to share it with?

  3. Dia,
    Congrats….you have talked about the possibility of doing this for a long time…you finally get to follow another dream.

    I can’t wait to see pictures of those far-away places.

    I hope you don’t hit any rough weather – my last cruise was terrible – people falling, dancing on the deck without trying, not to mention the sea-sickness.

  4. Thanks yall! I’m excited about the whole shebang. A little nervous about the boat thing…never been on a cruise, but I figure its once in a lifetime.

    Momma D: You are so right, I’ve submitted 3 apps in 9 years for 3 different positions and FINALLY am getting to sail around the world. I can’t believe it! Now I have a TON of paperwork to do to get ready.

  5. So happy for you, so jealous – Brazil, South Africa, Vietnam. I REALLY want to follow in your footsteps; you are such an impressive woman.

  6. Wow – that’s amazing. Offer of Sherpa still stands. Don’t know how many mountains you’ll need to climb – but those stairs… I may just have to come.

    All I can think is – really great blog material! Whoo hoo for us! (well, mostly you… but I’m a silver linin’ kinda gal)

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