Pre-Trip Planning: Carnival…Here I Come!


My passport arrived with the Brazilian, Chinese and Indian visa pages/stamps. And in typical girl fashion my first thought was: “ooh, look at the pretty colors!” But the Brazilian stamp has my first name as Brian (not my first name), so we shall see what hilarity ensues as I try to get my Carnival on! Anybody want to contribute to my “ the Br.azi.lian po.lice” fund?

I signed up for 3 nights of Carnival parade in Salvador. A bunch of people are going to fly from Salvador to Rio de Janeiro, but it was over $1200US and that wasn’t all expenses included! I had to drop close to $600US to sign up to march with three of the troops (a different group each night), but I think it will be once in a lifetime opportunity, and I can always go sit myself down somewhere if things get out of hand. I don’t do well in large crowds so we shall see how this goes, Carnival in Salvador is billed as the largest street party on earth, so you can see why I’m all over that yet a little wary. I figure if I can lean out of a small boat and pet a 16 meter whale, I can ease on down the road with a feather boa and a mardis gras mask on. Plus I was inspired by Adrienne’s pics from her trip to Trinidad & Tobago’s Carnival (where she met up with Karen of!

So, travel blogging has resumed…more Pre-Trip Planning & gear pics to follow. I’m sure those of you who have been tolerating my general blogging in hopes that I’d get back to the foolishness I seem to get into on the road are breathing a sigh of relief. Thanks for sticking around. Having yall with me is half the fun.

T-minus: 24 days and counting to


10 thoughts on “Pre-Trip Planning: Carnival…Here I Come!”

  1. Ooooh! Brazil Carnival! I so want to join! Trinidad & Tobago’s was absolutely incredible, but now I want to do some comparing. If you can play mas or get up with the samba groups, girl wine all up and down the country for me…

    I can’t wait for your trip to begin!


  2. Syd: you are totally going to get me blacked out by the internet porn police. I AM taking a camera, just for YOU.

    Adrienne: Your pics got me all riled up, I signed up for everything.they.allowed. after seeing yall’s costume’s etc. Will keep you posted!

  3. Yay!! I’m extra looking forward to this because I’m tired just thinking of it, but I know you are going to do it right and I can just read about it… while sitting down… where it’s quiet. Have fun!!

  4. Kellz: Officially the 15th-21st of February! I’ll be there the 16-20th I think and a good friend of mine may be coming down with some friends of his so…the more the merrier! Holler at me at funchilde[at]yahoo[dot]com. I think someone else is coming to So. Africa (fingers crossed) and maybe a meetup in India! woot woot!

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