[1] Do you think Gadling knew what they got themselves into when they asked me to write for them? I don’t think so either. Check out my initial blog post and my official introduction, then stick around and take a spin through the archives. The site is hella fun, chock-full of info for all things travel, and we don’t mind if you leave us comments (Thanks Blindian! You know who you are!).
[2] PhD application status: 5 down, 1 to go. After all the blood, sweat and tears I have put into this journey, if somebody doesn’t let me up into those ivory towers, I’m gonna burn ’em down. But don’t tell them I said that because I think that’s “pre-meditated” and right now I’m just “under-medicated.”
[3] Remember my nephew? The one who is 10 going on 50? I forgot to mention that this fool is in a BOWLING LEAGUE! I swear he’s got a smoking jacket and tobacco pipe hidden somewhere. I asked him what he’d do if he had a million dollars. He said: “Probably exacly what I’m doing now!” and proceeded to make himself a PB&J – so I guess that is evidence of a well lived life, even at 10 years old.
[4] Travel update: I’m burried under paperwork right now, invoicing clients, updating travel insurance, the whole nine. I have to wrap up my project here at Dartmouth and figure out how to get my shots without paying a damn fortune. Nothing sexy going on over here…but stay tuned.
T-minus: 19 days and counting to Semester at Sea.
First stop: Ft. Lauderdale, Fl to Nassau, Bahamas.
You gotta be kidding me. I read Gadling. In fact, I not only read your piece, but emailed it to a couple people. Far OUT!
Your nephew is too damn funny. Makes you wonder what he will turn out to be, doesn’t it? A bowling league…at 10? hahahahaha
Semester@sea here I come!!! (ummm…living through you, so I need really GREAT details!)
A bowling league? I’m jealous. I will call, I promise, can’t wait to see you on the road. As for the PhD, if you need help with the burning, I’ll bring the gas!
no, we did not know the danger… how could we?
glad to have you on deck. let the mischief begin.
You KNOW I’m living vicariously through you! Congrats on all the progress w/the apps. I’m taking you out to celebrate next time I see you (which, hopefully will be before your journey). Let me know if you’re coming through Cville on your way out to sea!
Trina! Yes, you can take me out to celebrate. I’ll be in Cville on the 21st and 23rd for training/dr. appts. can’t wait to see you!
Adrienne: hahahahahahaha *evil laugh*
Carmelia: Glad to know you’d risk 25 to life for a sistah, I got your back, now you just gotta finish school and take over the world so I can work for you!
Blindian: I *heart* You & the rest of the fam!
Syd: Thanks for pimping my post! Hugs
That’s so cool that you’re writing for gadling!! I’m always in awe of the non-lazy people of the world. Can’t wait for Semester at Sea… and I want to hear more about your nephew!
Have fun on your trip. Semester at Sea sounds like a great experience.
Nephew sounds like mine. Oh, to always live life through the eyes of a child. Excited for your trip and so living vicariously. Be safe!