Pre-Trip Planning: Gear & Gadgets


[1] As a gift to myself for working like a dog, completing my grad school applications, and surviving the weather here at Dartmouth College, I bought myself that Nikon I had been lusting after. I agonize over these types of expenditures and excuse me while I go puke thinking about my credit card bill. Oh, and did I mention that I’m getting my next to last paycheck today? Double puke!

Enough with the puking already. This blog is so classy!

[2] I decided on the D50 over the D80 after listening to some photographers whose work I like. The D80 is $600 more than the D50 and that doesn’t include anything except the “body” of the camera. I also had a great offer for a 55-200mm lens, but it was another $700 and I was l like wait, last.paycheck.for.months and Blindian called and talked me off the $700 cliff. I went with the baby lens and used a very generous gift certificate that I received for Christmas. I am very happy. But still slightly puketastic.

[3] It has warmed up to 2 degrees here in New Hampshire-its a heatwave!

[4] Come check us out over at for more hilarious travel news.

T-minus: 11 days and counting to Semester at Sea.

First stop: Ft. Lauderdale, Fl to Nassau, Bahamas.

9 thoughts on “Pre-Trip Planning: Gear & Gadgets”

  1. Dia,
    I took the travel quiz – I am what you are according to the quiz.
    I feel the truth is …..NOT….
    Love the post and you deserve the CAMERA – big time. I still use the “throw-away cameras” from Walmart!
    Looking forward to seeing all the places you are going to visit with “SAS”
    Our building had a temperature control malfunction – it was 100 + degrees here on Tuesday.
    Looking forward to more news,

  2. Hey,
    I have that camera,verye nice; I got it last year for Christmas. It takes great shots. I frogot to bring it on this trip..UGH!! Too many Textbooks for my pond limit. I am in Dallas now for my residency. The weather seems to be much like what you have been experiencing. Sunday, was freezing rain. After a canceled flight on Saturday, I finally made it here. Monday was ICE, Tuesday SNOW. Wednesday SLEET, Thursday, Friday, Saturday just cold and rainy. Now why is it colder in Texas Than Va? I have one more week here, and I better see sun SOOn….smile. Take care.

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