[1] I don’t really recommend waiting until the night before you leave for Florida to upload the entirety of your music collection into iTunes, order major appliances for your rental property, or back up the entire hard-drive of your laptop to an external storage device.
[2] I bought all new underwear and socks. That balances it all out right?
[3] My Mom is going to kill me when she realizes I have used every.last.one. of her ziploc bags, even the skanky ones. But they are just perfect for holding bottles of soap, listerine, powercords, battery packs, etc. I think I went a little overboard with the ziplocage.
[4] I have been rather self absorbed for the last few months and there are many friends and family members that I will not get the chance to see before I take off. Please know that I love you dearly and think of you often. I wish you could all come with me, but then there’d be no reason to blog right?
T-minus: 3 days and counting to Semester at Sea.
Don’t forget to check us out over at Gadling in the meantime for more geeky travel goodness.
My mother is the QUEEN of Ziploc bags when she travels. Seriously. She puts EVERYTHING in a Ziploc (and uses all sizes). To the point where we’re like, enough with the Ziplocs! 😉 Hope your last couple of days go smoothly…
You can never have too many ziplocks!! You know what else I love, those sort of 3-D rectangular plastic bags with the zippers that curtains and pillowcases and such come in at Bed Bath and Beyond? You know what I’m talking about? Those are awesome. I had one that exactly fit my notebook.
Also love the procrastination poster… that’s me exactly…
Good poster – have a good time and don’t forget your book of sea chanties for slightly dubious company.
Marilyn: Your mother would be VERY proud of me then. I have every device, each type of battery, toiletries…everything has its own ziploc. As a matter of fact I was playing with some new toys and realized…they need ziplocs!
Megan: I know egggsakkly what you’re talking about…damn, you should hollered at me sooner!
Elizabeth: I have been wanting to use that for so long….what the heck is a sea chantie? And what qualifies as dubious company? What if I’m LOOKING for dubious company? huh? what then? do those chanties work for that?
You’re leaving… you’re really leaving… sniffles. I hope you have a blast!!! I can’t wait to hear about and see photos. Use that new camera to keep us all tuned in.
speaking of ziploc bags and procrastination…
those big ziploc bags are fabulous for packing. i got my whole linen closet in one bag. but on sunday, i woke up in my new crib to total chaos… boxes everywhere, clothes still in bags, pots piled up on the counters. what did i do about the situation? …procrastinate. i sat on the couch, put my feet up, and watched some basketball. i can relate. there’s a lovely pile of trash waiting for me at home.
i’m in ric now so if you need me to check on the dupe or do anything else in the area while you’re on the boat, just holla.
Hope you have a safe and interesting trip.
Can’t wait to read about your adventures.
I could have given you Ziploc bags for Christmas or at least money to buy your own.
Adrienne: Don’t cry, I’ll send you a postcard if you shoot me your address. You travel more than I do lady!
LBoogie: Congrats on the move! I’m glad I’ll have a money-making banker in my network now.
Momma D!: Dang, I should’ve called sooner! Raincheck on the Ziplocs? I have your xmas gifts all wrapped up in the garage 🙁 you’ll get them in May so that’s something to look forward to right?
OH!! can i get a postcard?
can i still call and wish you safe travels?
i’ll just email you with what i want to ask you.
i can’t wait to read about your experiences!
will there be a way for us to send you mail? let us know…..
ijwvsbapr jhav ywjcxenp sqxnbz avijertn glbajfpmt ztjbgd
Great meeting u at kelli’s 30th. I so envy ur nomadic existence…. as u may recall… I’m still tryin’ 2 get liberated from ARKANSAS. Anywho… hope u have an enlightening and refreshing journey.
Very good site. Thank you!
Nice site. Thank you!!!