My baby brother got married today in Jamaica. I thought I’d be fine missing the wedding, with their blessing even, but all day I’ve worn my tears close to the surface. I wish I was there, with my parents, my nephew and of course the newlyweds. To dance, sing, and drink with my family sounds delicious even though I’m in my own kind of paradise here in Nassau, Bahamas (with…dancing, singing and drinking no less!).
A small gift from the gods though…I got to escort Archbishop Desmond Tutu to a meeting! So cool! He’s the cutest thing ever isn’t he? More news later.
Mad love to my brother and sister-in-law. I love you both.
Forgot to say – LOVE the location of the picture of Kurt and his bride! My dad has offered to take your tickets off your hands if you need next year! He says THANK YOU BARBIE for the great seats and great times this past season.
OMG OMG OMG. Desmond Tutu?
Congrats to your little brother. 🙂
Kurt and Nichole look great. I hope they had a beautiful wedding – I’m sure they did in such an ideal setting. You will see plenty of pictures and you did visit with them before you left on your Semester at Sea adventure. Have fun and enjoy your surroundings.
Love your posts…
Desmond Tutu is sooo cute. I probably shouldn’t say that about a famous archbishop, but you know what I mean.
Congrats to the newlyweds.
Go Hoos! (#1 in the ACC)
Today, Valarie Burton says, “Stop Beating Yourself Up!” You’re plenty supportative and everyone knows that you you’re the gift that doesn’t stop giving. Besides, you’ll be there for them and Lil Kurt or Lil Cole when they need you. I pray they have a solid joyous union and always remember “why” they said “I DO.”
Lauren is right, Bish is a cutie.
Hi there! So happy about D. Tutu You are super lucky and I miss you! The event at school went smashingly well……people loved it and there was a great turn out. The local news came and the local paper did a cover story. I was interviewed by the local radio station, it was too cool. Wished that you could have been there.
Holla at ya’ girl when you get a minute. I trust that you are taking lots of pics and staying in as much trouble as possible. PV Class ’79 4-life!!!