Nappa: Kim & Dia w/ Allan @ Peju, originally uploaded by funchilde.
Looooong weekend of work, but it was fun as always. I lurve my colleagues and our clients. Jet lagged as all get out flying from Norfolk to San Francisco between 6 kids. Yeah, 6. But they were all sweet. Berkeley was cool in terms of the weather, swinging 15 degrees or more in a matter of hours. So we fled. Napa Valley is all it has been hyped up to be. If you get a chance visit Peju Provence and experience the “Napa Rappa'” for yourself. I’m on to L.A., anything I should see/do while I’m there (in between the insane amount of work I have to do)? Holla at me in the comments!
Things to do in LA? Always many!!! Call me when you make it!
Go to the Getty! Gorgeous building & views, not to mention cool art. Enjoy!
Hola! I got your phone message – things have been crazy, but we are all fine. Have a blast in LA – I agree with the Napa sentiments – we love it there. Tim wants to live in San Francisco he liked it so much! I have a slight problem with the earthquakes……I’ll take a good ole hurricane any day. I’m headed down to my sister’s for a week and then to the Outer Banks. We are home all of August,maybe we can cross paths then. I love you!!
Oh yeah, I started running (okay, walking fast…..) – are we still on for Labor Day???!!!
Hey there!
Glad to see you again and you made it back from your travels safely. i’ve got a lot of catching up to do on your blog… thanks for keeping up with mine! I certainly want to work some cooking classes into my next trip.
Settling back down is hard, that’s great that you can keep traveling around the U.S. though!
– chris
Bah! I forgot I was also going to say – I just spent yesterday wine tasting in Sonoma! I’ve haven’t done it in a few years. send me a note anytime you are going tasting i’m always up for it!
lol! chris you are living it up man! i’d love to catch up for some wine tasting!
You were in NAPA?! And BERKELEY! Dang, girl…I woulda driven over just to say Hi. 😉
i’m so sorry i missed you! i fly out on Monday from SFO. We are working at Stanford U in Palo Alto this wknd!
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