no reservations

[1] Thanks for all of your kind words and thoughts for my family. Everyone is hanging in there. The final “home-going” service was beautiful and it was bittersweet to spend so much time with uncles, aunts and cousins that I don’t get to see often. I don’t want to go too far down this road or I’ll be hiccuping and crying, hungover off of shots of tequila, singing “Circle of Life” with fried chicken crumbs all over my sweatshirt. No, no internets you do not want to see that!

[2] So, ye old blog is officially 2 years old today. A special shout-out to my blog-mother, Erica. Who needs to um, update her blog…. Now that I’m back from hiatus and refreshed, I want to do some upgrades around these here parts and expand the scope of the blog a bit.

I’m not 100% sure what that means yet, but keep an eye out for a new look around here and if anyone knows a talented web developer that can help me out…shoot me a note. I’m deathly afraid of altering anything for fear of losing my archives. I am that brand of narcissist that actually likes to go back and read my own stuff, there I said it. Suck it!

[3] One of the most beloved gifts I received this year was Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations. This is the book that I want to write, well, obviously he’s written this one, but something like this, that combines my minor talent for words, my sketchy photographic ability and my love for food with my absolute passion for walking around the planet asking everybody else what they’re doing.

My book will be loosely titled: With Some Hesitation: A Crazy.Black.Chick Stops by for Dinner. What do you think? Blockbuster right?!

You have to love a self-described “tall, goofy, white guy” who unabashedly drops “F” bombs and “Mother@#$@” all over the place. This ain’t your momma’s cookbook! It’s not a cookbook at all. it’s 1/4 food porn, 1/4 travel tales, 1/4 sentimental sap and 1/4 beautiful photos. I heart it so much that I want to sleep with it under my pillow.

[4] Has anyone else noticed that most everyone nowadays is anti-resolution? I am down with that. I haven’t made a resolution (for new year’s) in years. But I do have themes that have served as the catalyst for the last few years. As my dreams and goals for 2008 make themselves clear, I’ll share them here. I began by thinking, “how in the world can I top 2007?” and I realized that at 34.8 years old, I don’t have to.

So, what are your resolutions/non-resolutions? I really wanna know.

9 thoughts on “”

  1. Happy Blogiversary, Dia! I’m so proud. 🙂

    Has it only been two years? At the same time: It’s been two years all ready? Where does the time go?

    I realized I’ve had the same set of not-resolutions (i.e., things to think about doing differently) for the last four or five years, and not it looks like I’ve accomplished them. They were about getting my money sitch together, taking better care of my body, and getting my social life in order. So now I need to come up with something else. My resolutions will probably be focusing on the same things, just with different specifics. I’ve been meaning to blog about it all, but I haven’t seemed to find the time when my brain is on it or find the focus when I have the time. It’s forthcoming, I swear!

    I think making resolutions is setting yourself up for failure. Something about the word “resolutions” is off-putting. Resolutions are made to be broken. Maybe we should all think of it in terms of setting goals for ourselves for the year. It’ll force us to frame them in a more concrete and achievable way. Of course the goals should be in line with the vision we have for ourselves. Because we all have a vision, right?

  2. OK, I love Anthony Bourdain. I met him last year at a book signing and he was so cool! I got to tell him that he was part of the reason I dropped by Vietnam when I was in SE Asia. He was genuine and funny. I really need to pick up that new book. My resolution is to run the Chicago marathon, which will mean a summer of early mornings and torture. And to get better at saving money for MORE TRAVEL!

  3. Hi Dia Snack!

    I would have to agree with you about the “anti-resolution” sentiment. I didn’t make a list of resolutions for 2008, however, I did say that I would like to be more social and make it my business to go out in the world at least once a week aside from going to work, running errands, and hanging out with familiar friends. I need to branch out and become more “open” as friends have advised me in the past. This is directly in sync with my desire to have a more active dating life. So will be stepping out of my comfort zone in that area myself. I think there have been some old hang-ups that I need to clear out of my closet surrounding my physical appearance, flirting, physical attraction, and the like. Bottom line I am to be more of an active participant than a passive observer.

    All in all I expect and will have a marvelous 2008 . . . I wouldn’t accept anything less.

  4. That does it…I’m gettin’ that book. We LOVE his show. Which just reminded me that I slept through tonight’s ep… I gave up resolutions about the time I stopped wearing legwarmers…’cause they did me about as much good. But since the bloggity tribe is all about theme words these days, I chose as mine this year LEAP! (And yes, I must type it all in caps and add the excl. point or I might not do it.) Happy Blogiversary. Looking forward to seeing what this next year will bring you.

  5. Dia,
    Any book that you will write will be a best seller – I’ll look for you on
    I can’t offer fried chicken or shots – but we can do Outback when you get to Hampton.
    No resolutions for me – I am too old to change 🙂
    I am trying not to “sweat the small stuff” though!

  6. yahoo should have some instructions on that. or you can email me offline if you don’t have someone closer to assist you. I love visiting your site so I want to know it’s protected. geeky i know to care about the internets backups.

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