Baja Mexico: Playa Escondido

Here’s a pic of my home for the last 5 and next 3 days [moving from Playa Escondido down to Cabo Pulmo]. It gives new meaning to the term “home/office” no? It’s big enough for a couple more people if anyone has the urge to measure time in seashells and sunsets for awhile…


Days unemployed: 22
Days in suit since semi unemployed: 2
Days in flip flops since unemployed: 10
Number of days on the road: 12
Number of showers since on the road: 4
Number of nights in hotel rooms: 1
Number of fish tacos consumed: 4
Number of beers consumed: 3
Number of times done laundry: 1
Number of Whales petted: 1 too many
Number of times attacked by hummingbird: 1
Number of hermit crabs spotted: 2
Number of dolphins spotted: 2
Longest Hike: 6 miles
Craziest meal: Goat meat tortillas [they were good!]
Best pieces of gear so far: travel pillow, life vest, headlamp
Worst pieces of gear so far: xtra camera, xtra sunglasses, too many travel guides, snorkel [used once]   
Number of times mangled spanish phrases so badly that native speakers revert to English: 3,345

So, what’s the craziest thing you’ve done while traveling? Keep it clean people! And I’ll see you in a few days.

12 thoughts on “Baja Mexico: Playa Escondido”

  1. Barbara,

    I am so jealous….I really need a vacation…lol…lol….but even more I am so happy for you. Beautiful pics…I am so happy to see you’re have having the time of your life!!!!

    Met Deli the other day…really cool girl…love her idealism!!

    Anyways…drop me a note when u get a chance…be safe and talk to you soon!!!!



  2. Well….the craziest thing I’ve done is not really all that crazy. But definitely crazier than anything I’d have done at home. I took a cab from my hostel to a pub 10 miles away with no guarantee of a ride back at the end of the night. The cab company which consisted of two brothers would be done for the night by that time. For me, this was throwing all caution to the wind–I had a huge crush on a guy who would be playing his fiddle that night at the pub. Well the music was fantastic, and I joined in on all the conversation. It got later and later– How was I ever going to get back to the hostel? Well, my big risk paid off because my crush offered me a ride back–whoo hoo!

  3. Hi Barbie…..good to see that you are in tact! I have not forgotten about you, then again how could I? People here are still asking about you. For whatever reason you have managed to leave an impression on the hearts and minds of many of the folks on “the plantation”!

    So only 4 showers in 12 days… you know, I am too high maintenance to ruff it like that! My hat’s off to you Barbie, I don’t know how you do it. Your brother was very nice to me and saw to it that I made it to the airport on time and he even came back and picked me up! Such a gentleman….but what do I expect right, you guys are from the same blood line. Anil, he’s a charmer….very interesting, but more importantly he thinks the world of you, so what more could you ask for? Anyway, God speed Barbs and I will be in touch. Heading to Bahrain Thursday so wish me luck, I might run off with a wealthy oil tycoon…don’t put it past me!

  4. Anil…you went to latin america, turkey AND southeast asia in less than a year…i’m not really feeling too bad for you right now doc. there have however been 1700 minutes when i wished you were here.

    amhran: i can’t wait to meet you. anyone who falls for a fiddler…my kinda traveler.

    stella! i miss you so much already. glad my bro and anil were good to you, but hey class hangs with class doesn’t it?

    several stories and locations, but on the move..hugs to all.

  5. Megan I hope you are kidding chica. it is dusty as hell down here and we have been living on the beach with only enough fresh water to drink and cook. salt water on brown skin is kind of a promise of permanent ashiness! i need to ease into a once a week shower style!

  6. The craziest thing I’ve done? Depends on your definition of crazy. I vaguely remember being shirtless (but not topless) at a bar, on the bar in New Zealand. Or maybe naively inviting a stranger (read: thief) into our hotel room on spring break in the Bahamas. But I was young then.

    I had fish tacos for the first time in Mexico. Yum!

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