my favorite city by far. this place is beautiful in a way that i don’t dare try to articulate. from loreto we headed into La Paz which is a must see. it is also a waterfront city and the weather was amazing! unfortunately we rolled into town at 7 am and i spent 2 hours walking around looking for a hotel/hostel. the coolest one was out of single rooms and i needed a mental health day so i declinded sharing with 2 others though they were very chill and it would have been fine. the lodging scene is pretty skewed between skanky hostels where i would be uncomfortable putting my head on a pillow, and the 7 Crown which was $130/night with the rooftop bar, moonlight sauna and wireless. i couldn’t check in until 1pm but I got into Los Arcos which had the best.pool.ever. and had a clean double room for $85 which i justified after a week of not sleeping in a bed with another week to come.
i spent the morning at a cute cafe that had free (!!) wireless internet updating this here blog, my pics and e-mail while eagerly awaiting the chance to shower (does anyone since a theme on this trip?). I met the craziest people including this dude who tried to sell me some shells. i spent the afternoon wandering around taking pictures of the murals, statues and waterfront. we all met at the zocalo (town center) to go to dinner and stumbled into yet another festival. it was cute because the dancers were either very young or pretty “seasoned” but the music and mood were reminisenct of any small town gathering where everyone knows everyone else and more importantly knows their secrets 🙂 kidding.
for lunch i had the best.tacos.ever. one fish one shrimp with all kinds of yummy topings and a refresco (soda) for $3.30. i dropped my laundry off, showered and slipped into clean clothes. dinner was fondue to start then off to carlos and charlies. i hate to admit that i was tired of mexican food at this point and happily ordered chicken strips and french fries! the sentiment was widespread and alot of people ate steak and pork, etc that night. most of our meals on the trip are vegetarian (though very good) so it was nice to plant my bicuspids into something in the animal kingdom (sorry vegacrazians).
a bunch of people went out and danced until 4:30 am. we had to meet to head out at 9 am. i lamed out and rolled around in the BED and enjoyed some alone time. i was so tired that i woke up in the same exact position that i had fallen asleep in (with the pillow substantially moistened during the night). i was so happy to actually use a bathroom with a roof and running water that i took another shower before packing it up. and of course, on our way out of town we ran into yet another festival. these mexicans really know how to party. maybe that’s why they are so happy?
I think you are so awesome to be able to take a trip like this! Thanks for sharing your travels on the net, and for keeping in touch. I think you are now ready for “Survivor” wherever the next one may be.
God Speed!
Cathy J